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This is a quick read I thought I'd share with you from the Austin American Statesman from May 21, 2018 regarding a few mistakes that many homeowners make and how to avoid them.

By Daniel Bortz Special to The Washington Post

Every homeowner makes mistakes.

The real trouble, however, starts when these blunders become habits that cost a lot of money over time. Some behaviors also create safety issues.

If you're guilty of these bad habits, break them-pronto.

1. Inadvertently clogging pipes Be mindful of what you're putting down your drains, advises Krystal Rogers-Nelson, home safety and maintenance expert at AS ecu re "Don't flush anything down your toilet besides toilet paper, especially heavier materials like paper towels, diapers or cotton swabs, and paint, oil or harsh chemicals," she says.

"Even 'flush able' wipes aren't recommended."

If you notice warning signs of clogging-a gurgling when you use the toilet, for instance, or low water pressure-call a plumber ASAP.

2. Not cleaning gutters Over flowing gutters can damage your house's roof, siding or foundation, says Eddie Zielinski, a Lowe's store manager in Har per Woods, Mich. Zielinski recommends clearing gutters of leaves, pine needle sand other debris at least twice a year. If you're worried about falling, you can hire a professional gutter cleaner for about $150, Home Adv is or says.

To prevent clogs, install gutter guards such as screens, foam inserts, fine mesh or surface tension covers, says Brendon De Sim one, brokerage manager at Houlihan Lawrence real estate in Bed ford, New York.

3. Letting trees overgrow Many homeowners forget to trim their trees, and that can create safety problems, De Simone says. If you have trees near your house, prune them every two years to keep limbs and branches away from your home. For large or hard-to- reach trees, the risk of injury is high, so consider hiring a trimmer.

On average, a tree costs $200 to trim, Home Adv is or says, but costs can vary depending on the size and location of the tree. (Trees near power lines, for example, require additional time because crews can't just toss the branches down as they work. ) One way to mitigate risk is to have a certified arborist inspect your trees for disease, weak limbs and rotting every five or so years.

4. Slamming the front door This habit might seem harmless, but repeated slamming can pull the door out of alignment and create gaps that allow outside air into your house-potentially driving up utility bills, Zielinski says. If your front door is slamming shut because of its weight, though, a heavy-duty door closer might solve the problem.

5. Letting dryer lint build up There are about 2,900 clothes dryer fires a year, and they cause an estimated five deaths, 100 injuries and $35 million in property loss, according to the U.S. Fire Administration.Letting lint build up can also increase energy bills because the dryer has to work harder with each spin cycle.

Zielinski recommends cleaning your dryer's lint trap before each run and cleaning the exhaust every 90 days. You can do these tasks relatively easily with a vacuum, but if your vent is clogged, it might be worth hiring a dryer exhaust technician to clean it for about $125 to $175, according to Angie's List.

6. Forgetting to change furnace filters "Your furnace won't run as efficiently if you don't change the filters," says Zielinski, who recommends replacing furnace filters every 90 days. "A lot of programmable thermostats will remind you when it's time to change your air filters," he added.

This is a task you can do yourself-just be sure to start by turning off the furnace and getting the right replacement. A filter with aplastic frame is reusable, but you have to clean it periodically with a vacuum and water and let it dry completely before re inserting it, Consumer Reports says.

7. Not changing batteries in smoke detectors Smoke detectors work only when they're juiced up. Unfortunately, 1 in every 5 home fire deaths results from malfunctioning smoke alarms, the National Fire Pro tec ti on Association reports. In fires in which the smoke alarms were present but did not sound, almost half (46 percent) of the devices had missing or disconnected batteries.

Them oral: Rep lace or change your smoke detector batteries according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

8. Leaving lights on Sure, it's okay to leave a bathroom light on when you go to bed-and, for safety reasons, it's good to keep a porch light on when you're out of town. But, in general, it's cost-effective to turn off the lights when you leave a room.

To maximize your savings, consider buying energy-efficient light bulbs.

They cost more upfront but use a lot less energy and can significantly reduce your electricity costs in the long run.

9. Taking long, steamy showers Long showers-showers lasting more than 10 minutes-can strip your skin of moisture, make you itchy and, of course, increase your water bill. And although they feel great, steamy showers can create mold and mildew. Aim for five-minute showers and avoid blasting the hot water.

10. Wearing shoes in the house Want to keep a clean home? Wearing dirty shoes in the house spreads dust, toxins and allergens.

In fact, researchers at the University of Houston found that nearly 40 percent of soles carry Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, that nasty bacteria often spread in health-care facilities that can cause infections. Moreover, abrasive soles can scratch or scrape floors and turn your beautiful hardwood into a disaster zone.

The solution is simple: Take off your shoes at the door

Spring is Finally Here in TEXAS! A Few Tips to Get You Started.

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NOW  (March) is the time to plant seeds and transplants in your gardens and landscapes; don't wait!  You must plant now so the plants have time to strengthen their root systems and establish themselves before the HOT Texas heat is abundant. 

We are in ZONE 8b here in Central Texas so be sure to only buy seeds and transplants that are suitable for this area, otherwise you are wasting your money and not setting yourself up for success.

Click HERE for a clear and easy to read planting guide for our area in Central Texas, produced by Texas A&M.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and peppers are some vegetables you want to get going right now.  Have you heard of "phytonutrient gardening?"  Most of the vegetable varieties we have available to us in the grocery store are no longer very nutritional, because of pesticides and soil depletion; even the organic vegetables are not as good as they could be. 

Have you ever heard of an "Armenian Cucumber" or "Malabar Spinach"?  . . .these are just two of the many extra nutrient-rich vegetable varieties available to you through seed - you just have to look for them.

Joe Urbach provides an awesome resource for "Phytonutrient Gardening;" find out more HERE.

Now is also the time to plant beautiful, native Texas flowering plants to enhance the look of your landscape and provide nectar and pollen for pollinators like honey bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.  Having pollinators in your garden will help your vegetables to produce, on average, 20% more!

There are a variety of lovely and colorful tough plants that you won't have to "babysit," because they are known as "Texas Superstars!"  Check out more HERE.

A few of my favorites include: Yellow Bell Esperanza, Blue Plumbago and Salvia - these colorful and strong plants come back year after year (perennials) and offer so much color and depth to my landscape, plus the honey bees, hummingbirds and butterflies LOVE them and it's fun to watch them busily collect pollen and nectar (especially the hummingbirds!).

I'm actively enrolled in the Hays County Master Gardener course and am learning SO much!  Please connect with me if you have questions or need help with your spring plantings.

With love, Victoria Peterson  512 695 8923
